Tuesday 24 April 2007

Porn... Bad or Acceptable??

I walked into a innocent 'Express and Star' shop the other day and there was at least 3 shelves filled with porn Mag's!! I was quite shocked at this because obviously Ive seen them in shops before but not that many and not very concealed either!!!

This is where porn gets a bit unacceptable.. Children must be going in that shop and seeing those. I don't judge anyone who watches or enjoys porn, Everyone has their own life. But i do agree that it should be kept a bit private and in your own space. People shouldn't be judged because of porn, its ridiculous.

Look at footballers wives this was on at just past half 9 probably..This show was so explicit sometimes!!

It even showed a full blown sex scene!!!

This obviously isn't on quite the same level as porn, But it shows that nudity and sex is getting a lot more accepted.

But the 'Stereotypical creepy porn shop visitor' is still giving shifty looks if one sees him emerge from a porn shop. I will confess me and my friends went into one on broad street for a laugh and as soon as i looked in i felt physically sick, I wanted to run out. It was very extreme so i can see why people have deviant views about them.

But everyone needs to understand everyone has their own life and can do within it whatever they please unless its illegal!!

Even though its not my cup of tea, i wouldn't judge anyone for being involved in porn...

Porn to a degree is somewhat accepted in society, But it depends on the extremity of the porn. Its accepted if done privately, if its right in someones face...Such as reading a porn magazine on a bus!! The person is going to be seen as 'bad' or just avoided!!

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