Wednesday 11 April 2007

Responce to:

I totally agree with Neelam's views here because she agrees to both sides of the contraception debate. I myself think its neither wrong to take contraception or If someone feels they don't want to use contraception in a serious relationship they have the right not to. Neelam's views for contraception were;

"For certain religions it is said to be a sin, this I find hard to understand as you are not actually harming anything inside of you. Taking contraception is just a way of protecting yourself from nasty infections and not getting pregnant, if you are not ready. "

I agree with with this as i believe taking contraception is important to protect and prepare you for what Neelam has mentioned. Her opposing view was:

"But then looking at it another perspective, it is true that we are stopping natural law and having sex before marriage is wrong, therefore contraception should not even be needed."

I agree with this as even though i wont judge people not using contraception, i will for people who are flippant and are not taking the contraception and sex seriously.

So overall i think that just because somethings right for you someone else's beliefs may differ. So its good to have an open mind around contraception.

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