Monday 9 April 2007


When i think of stalking i only think of it happening to celebrity's and when its shown in films. i don't know anyone that's been stalked.

When do you qualify as a stalker? What if one of your crushes cant get it that you don't like them, then keeps texting and calling you, is that stalking?

When i did search for the definition, they wasn't very helpful!!
  • "When an adult purposely and repeatedly harasses or follows another with the intent of harassing."

  • "In the General Laws of Massachusetts, Chapter 265, section 43, any person who willfully, maliciously and repeatedly follows or harasses another person and who makes a threat with the intent of placing that person in imminent fear of death or serious body injury"


So it seems you have to intend to hurt or simply harass someone in order to qualify for a stalker. This site goes into some detail of stalking;

This obviously means that stalking is a bad thing to do. If you did stalk someone and this was broadcasted, how would your life be afterwards??

This therefore implies that its not only seen as really bad thing to do but its illegal in extreme cases.

I don't think the people that do stalk people are aware that their activity is bad, they are more likely to have some mental instability. Because its obviously really extreme behavior and to be performed you must be slightly unstable...

The following link shows information of Billie pipers stalker who was photographed with her on occasions (see picture on right!!) It shows how extreme stalking can get and how it effects the victim.

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