Sunday 8 April 2007

Paedophiles...Death Penalty for all.

I myself think that the absolute scum of the earth are paedophiles. Why there isn't more severe punishments i don't know.

Paedophiles in my opinion are the number one of being bad.
They should all be killed, Why some people get nearly the same sentence for fraud and crimes like that is beyond me. They are in my opinion the worst criminals ever. I find it hard even talking about them for being bad, 'Bad' is such a light word i could use for them.

I find it hard to believe how they are able to access this sort of information online, Surely they can make an invention to track down these people? The following link shows a undercover reporter who tried to find this out:

You can tell that paedophiles are getting more widespread now as i came across the following link, This link gives parents advice on how to protect their children form paedophilia activity. This is a good idea to protect children, but what sort of world do we live in now? Society must be getting pretty bad if these people exist.

Apparently 30% of offenders have had at least 10 child victims. What does this say about the English law system? Obviously they are not to blame, but there shouldn't be an offender who's had more then one victim!!! They should be locked up, So it cannot happen again! Look at the little girl Sarah, She had the nation trying to get hr offender locked up. There was even a site made to protect children from sex offenders after Sarah (

Overall to combat them repeat offending, DON'T LET THEM BACK OUT IN SOCIETY!!!!

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