Its their life.
All this bad behavior, is done because its enjoyable and pleasurable. Hooliganism is a classic example. These films show this to a tee;

These Films are both on the same subject, The 'hooligans' involved look forward to a particular match, which is against their all time rivals...This equals the.....
ULTIMATE fight!!!
But apart form the violence this is where the similarities stop!! In green street it has a sort of 'Oh i learned my lesson ending' but in football factory no such thing happened, All the events that occurred in the football factory did not deter the main character from Hooliganism!!!! I think this shows how addictive some bad behavior can be!!
The pictures below show the extent of how bad their behavior gets....

Hooligans are such good examples of being just by their stereotypical name 'HOOLIGANS' it just oozes rebellion. They fight, they drink, in both of the mentioned films they even take drugs regularly.
The hooligans mentioned in these films are maybe a little exaggerated from real life. But they do exist in my life Ive heard of several man who've died during the world cup etc. This is dangerous Behaviour and the above films show the consequences when they get out of hand. The link below shows how out of hand hooligans got when an officer was killed due to them;
But yes, Hooligans are not just a subject to write films about, the pictures below show REAL LIFE hooliganism in action, would you like to get caught up in that!!!

But i feel sorry for the real supporters whose match may be ruined because of hooligans, Alcohol in my opinion is the cause for all this violence. if you have seen the above films, Where do you see the supporters the most in their home or the pub??
The answer explains it all.
Links for information on the films mentioned
Green Street; http://www.warnervideo.com/greenstreethooligans/
Football Factory; http://www.thefootballfactory.com/webpages/home.html
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