I was so shocked at the film shown!!! I mean Ive watched banned films, explicit films (not porn!!) and wasn't as effected as i was from this film!!
First the opening scene of the two kids snogging wasn't bad enough, But seeing a young girl who's probably just hit puberty, lying there near enough naked!!! Me and my mate didn't know where to look!!! The picture on the Right shows the 'nicer part' of the scene....I didn't want to search for the other ones!!!!!
I think its controversial because it shows things other films wouldn't
- 'The kids' having sex
- Rape, and it taking place in front of other kids.
- The kids taking drugs and drinking
- The kids ganging up and beating someone up
- The lead 'Kid' actually having sex with just virgins.. This is seen as so bad because hes just a child himself!
- The language the kids use
- Aids
- Showing the girls in the film stripping off
These were just a few, It really is a great example of showing what being bad involves!!!
You probably think that some of the above are actually in films, such as rape and girls tripping off. But in this film its actual KIDS, Young girls trying to seduce the lads and setting an example that they sleep around. When I was their age i wasn't even thinking about having sex!!! I think that's why it seems so taboo to me.
But the rape scene was particularly disturbing, All i could think of was the young boys still sleeping around them while this was happening!!
But i do think it had a few hidden morals along the story, Such as the girl who'd only had sex once had contracted aids. Because most people get the idea they have to sleep around lots to get it. It was also horrible knowing this girl had aids and the boy she caught it from was sleeping with all these virgins. The girl was also raped so the disease was spread further through these 'Kids'!
I have never watched anything like this before!! Whether it is really like this for the kids who live in the same type of areas i don't know...
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