But as the time draws nearer and I've been to places where the smoking ban is already in action, and seen people smoking, I have an incline it wont make a difference nationwide.
After June, Are clubs/pubs/restaurants going to have police or bar staff patrolling round to see if people are smoking? I think not! It may work in small pubs and alike where bar staff are able to keep an eye on everyone but not everyone and place will have the resources and time to do this. i just hope it does work to some extent so non-smokers like myself can walk out of a pub and club and not reek of cigarettes.
I think people smoke because of being influenced by peers, i still also believe people smoke to be cool. You can tell sometimes in the way someone smokes, when they really exaggerate!!!I think its quite amusing to watch...
But I'm not going to slag off smokers, they have their own mind. I just hate smelling of stale cigarettes when i don't smoke myself!!!
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