I love the subject of body modification anyway so i found it totally interesting! I understand the whole concept of being frowned upon if you have piercings, tattoos or other modifications. When i go for job interviews or even hand my CV into places, i feel i have to take my lip
piercing out in order to make a good impression. I had been stretching my ears but took them out recently from the impressions i thought i was giving. It is a whole fashion thing to do in my eyes, its not so rare these days. Once you modify something everyone else will do the same!!!

I'm so obsessed with this subject I'm going to list the piercings i think are most impressive and weird piercings ....
- Corset Piercing...i want this..
- 'Wolverine' Piercing, These are apparently temporary..I suppose they'd have to be to do most stuff with your hands..erm moving on...i got the pic from a random site!!

I think making peoples heads turn is one of the reasons or maybe the fact of being individual. Body modification involving piercings though is quite a painful process, the more personal places you can get pierced are said to be for sexual purposes. Saying this when i was looking for pictures especially the piercing corset one the pictures were linked to quite 'erotic' sites!!! This can go to show that body modification to an extent is a strong sexual fetish....

The pictures throughout show an extent of body modification, Some people go to any limits...
The following link shows some unusual piercing pics, Beware...http://www.bmezine.com/pierce/11-surface/bme-pg11.html
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